Women's Power: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future: Femocracy
Offering encyclopedic knowledge of 150 subjects this book, as never before, assesses the past, present and future civilizations of mankind in one volume. While this offers the proud, ‘World’s knowledge is in my hand’ feeling, starting at differences between the sexes, then climaxing at the future (Femocracy) tracing women’s progress, the formed flow gives the joy of reading a novel. It’s a unique gift to the world. For more contact the author.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Is Twitter, Facebook or Google+ The Best Social Networking Site For Your Message Spread?
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Does First Page Google Ranking Bring Massive Traffic To Your Beautiful Website?
Without a doubt Google is the mightiest fish amongst the Internet search engines. It alone gets the search requests, what others grouped together don’t. Forgetting Facebook, its nearest rival, Yahoo, offers no competition. In fact, people have even invented the term ‘Google it’ for ‘search in the Internet’. And when SEO managers talk about optimization, they talk in terms of Google rank. Although as a rule of thumb, Google loves textual relevance and relevant keywords at the site, and links from other sites- affirming dignity, it chooses to remain mythical. That essentially makes SEO a challenge. However, SEO managers are quick to tempt you with ‘we’ll make your site rank in the first page of Google and you will get tons of clicks to your site’. And money flows and SEO managers become the modern day ‘messiahs’.
In terms of Google ladder the rule of thumb is, more general the keyword more difficult it is to reach the top. On the other hand, more specific your keyword is more the chances of it appearing in the first page. For instance, the keyword ‘women’ is general, faces enormous competition (2,500,000,000) and therefore is very difficult. ‘Women’s power’ is easier. ‘Book on women’s power’ is even easier. Being easiest, ‘book on women’s power in London’ like keywords that specify locations are relied upon by small businesses. In fact, if you search for your name, it will easily come at the top of the results. This is because there is little, if any, competition for your name. You can know the competition your keyword faces by looking at the count given above the search results.
Our site Women’s Power Hub’s keyword ‘women’s power’ competes with 649,000,000 and finds itself in 6th position at www.google.com. ‘Women power’ competes with 1,370,000,000 and places itself in the 9th position. Topping videos, our women power video even makes it to the 7th position in website section of Google.com search. Despite that we get only few clicks from those positions. From that perspective, it is difficult to believe in the statement ‘Once your keyword reaches the first page you will get tons of clicks to your site’. Click wise, we can only feel sorry for the ones below.
But then, how do websites actually get their clicks? How do major sites like CNN or BBC get their traffic from?
The answer is very simple. You have used Yahoo or Hotmail or Gmail for your daily email check. Do you search for those sites? The simple answer is no, you don’t. So you bypass Google but routinely deliver clicks to those websites. How?
Besides search engines, tentatively, websites get visitors from three sources:
1. Clicking on bookmark/favorite list.
2. Typing website address.
3. Clicking a link.
1. Bookmark:
Whenever you visit a site and you like it, you can bookmark it. This means that you don’t have to remember the web address of that site again. Bookmark will also remind you of a forgotten site you visited long time ago. However, unless you organize the bookmark, it can easily become messy. Originally designed for one’s own computer now you can share your bookmarks with the world like in Yahoo bookmarks.
2. Website address:
If not bookmarked and especially if your book mark is messy, you can type the web address to go to the site. This is the reason why companies try to choose the addresses (domain name) that are easy to remember.
3. Links:
For a website links have two benefits. They can enhance the PR ranking of a site and also bring potential customers who click them. Links can come from articles, discussion forums, YouTube, pictures and what not. No wonder, we travel from one site to another clicking links. And when you do so you land up in amazing pages that you never thought existed!
From the above, it is clear that unless your keyword is competitive and is placed right at the top (at least the first three positions), first page ranking alone does not give you many clicks. Instead, you can try your luck on making your domain name simple and easy to remember. And try the art of link building. In the later case, besides clicks, it also helps in Google rank.
Main site http://www.womenspowerhub.com Contact Author
Friday, 23 September 2011
Sexual Revolution Brought STD And Social Change: Is Our World Becoming A Fearful Place?
Even if this atheistic civilization is getting rid of fear of divine Hell, far from not having an end, our fears seem to multiply like rabbits. Although EU allayed French fear of having to sleep with both eyes open following unification of Germany, and tactical demise of the Soviet allayed Cold War fears, emergence of Communist China gives a Capitalist threat. Even if not the fear of annihilation of nations, Atom Bomb gives us the chilling Cuban Missile Crisis. Furthermore, chillingly reminding America imported Syphilis epidemic that also seems to suggest ‘imported’ isn’t always good, sexual revolution given sexual freedom is creating a dangerous world.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Mumbai And Delhi Terrorist Attacks: Will India Shining Vanish And Indians Share Pakistani Life?
Although strike by terrorists shifted from the commercial capital, Mumbai, to the state capital, Delhi, in their latest success story, many facts remained strikingly the same. Elusiveness of the plan, death of ordinary innocents, chaotic hospital visits by healthy politicians, condemnation of terrorism and the appeals for calmness, all remained the same. Matching that and planning secrecy, terrorists remained as elusive as Harrison Ford in ‘The Fugitive’. As gleefully desired by the political class denizens repeated the mantra ‘We must remain united’, and tracing ‘We won’t bow down to terrorism’ even reinvented routine life the next day.
The only fact that unknowingly changed was; from national tragedy, act of city terrorism inched towards law and order problem.
Matching extremism, while a terrorist act just needs a bag, chemicals, trigger and an innocent crowd at one extreme, it needs a colossal measure of intension, ideas, cash, trained staff and technology for its prevention on the other. Unlike the USA, which woke up after 9/11 and prevented further attacks, controlling terrorism hasn’t been as easy for India as getting cinematic or constitutional plots from the West. India, for that matter, lacks most of the needed. With ordinary folks - not ones with Z security- seeing death, communal killing lessening ‘We will stand united’ producing less vocal office going denizens- as if invoking ‘nothing has happened’, election not yet there and corruption ranking higher in scale, less intense intension gets less priority. No wonder, India found its politicians engaged in a meeting to assess the recommendations following earlier attacks, at the time of the next.
Although not quite lacking in cash, being less in priority resources don’t come easily. Even when available, unlike futuristic vision of the terrorists, incidents, not visions, seem to bring ideas. As an example, when a state’s Chief Minister was unable to contact his police chief for 15 min after an attack, the need for a hot phone line was thought essential. While trained staff are few and ill equipped, timing of their presence is after, not before, attacks. Almost matching it and teasing the state with ‘Catch me if you can’, emails claiming responsibilities flood after the incident. Before it, even single source spy clue is hard and threat level remains unknown, if not closer to zero. But then, the advice to be alert is constant and for all time. Even when decisions are made, lacking a central command and control system, as its home minister later lamented, responsible departments show implementation unease.
Although members of its well protected political class are still secure, they have to realize the facts said above. There has to be seriousness in intension, allocation of adequate budgets, formation of a centralized command and control unit, training of large number of field officers, and use of latest technologies to make cities like ancient castles. Equally, India has to produce ideas. For this, experts should be hired from the developed countries and terrorism conferences done routinely for inventory ideas. Technology, not men, should man its porous borders.
Although, if Maoist affected villages and less reported ‘North East’ are taken into account, India is already plagued, if terrorism is not controlled effectively its cities are going to follow suit. If India does not invest enough cash to protect itself and this happens, foreigners will not invest cash in India. In addition to serially losing precious lives, as in Pakistan, attacks will seriously affect ‘India shining’.
If the ‘Guys next door are hell bent on destroying India’ is given credence and that making 70% of Punjab adults drug addicts is accepted as gospel truth, Delhi isn’t far. India’s future increasingly looks gloomy either way. However, she cannot afford to be in a state as USA was before 9/11. Not sure if India needs help but having much to offer, world needs India.
Authors site http://bit.ly/hWA8x2 Contact author http://bit.ly/jnyFNm
Friday, 19 August 2011
Recent UK Riots: Is The French Revolution’s Product - ‘Right of Man’ - At Fault?
While astrologers and futurologists may be scratching their heads for not predicting the recent UK riots, and Nostradamus fans might try to re-interprets the man’s quatrains, sociologists might be scratching their heads to figure out whether it will repeat.
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